Main Page
Welcome to the United Earth Wiki!
This is the main starting point for our collective co-creation.
The core of our collaborative process are the virtual meetings that take place every Monday at 8 p.m. CEST on our Mumble server. Feel free to join! :)
[hide]A Holographic Emergence
A United Earth is just beginning. As it happens, our budding alliance already represents a wide variety of groups and movements within the world-wide movement of social change (also called The Blessed Unrest, Cultural Creatives, The Awakening Collective, The Next Culture, The Imaginal Cells... ).
We all agree that the vision of global collaboration towards a whole-systems cultural transformation is a vision that is already shared and being worked on by numerous people, groups, organisations and networks. At the same time we also recognise the need for a truly inclusive and practical framework and platform to facilitate this vision into manifestation.
Our collective intention is to continue co-creating this platform by openly inviting equal collaboration and by finding and building on that which we all agree upon. Our shared values- such as equality, trust, humility, harmony, transparency, authenticity and courage- are brought into practice by how we communicate and cooperate together. We see all our microcosmic interactions and co-creations as a holographic reflection of how we envision the macrocosmic unfolding.
Our Decision-making Process
Currently our decisions are present consensus-based- which means a consensus by all who choose to participate in a particular topic or question. As A United Earth grows we foresee that the global decisions- those that determine our collective direction and actions- will be facilitated through a transparent and direct democratic process. For this and other purposes our alliance includes a team that incorporates and develops appropriate web and mobile tools and applications.
For now, until A United Earth has gained wide-spread recognition and participation throughout the social change movement, we intend to grow our steering-group to 50 active people and implement a sociocratic structure of mutually-supportive autonomy for each branch of focus. Naturally, everyone is free to present ideas, questions and feedback within our United Earth alliance and all steering-group decisions will be transparent and open to review.
Ultimately we envision A United Earth becoming a global platform for communication, collaboration, coordination, education and mobilisation around all matters relating to The Great Transition. Through the United Earth platform we can co-create actions and events ranging from the global to the local level. Thus the percentage of democratic majority can be adjusted according to the size of the group i.e. 90% up to 20 people, 80% up to 2000 people, 70% up to 20 million... As we choose.
Our Finances
In our current money-based economic system we still need some cash to do the work we do. Aside from out-of-pocket expenses for the website for some team members A United Earth is a full-time commitment and we would love to support this with appropriate stipends. Accordingly, we will soon be launching a crowd-funding campaign to provide A United Earth with the financial freedom we need to achieve our collective and numerous pioneering goals.
Currently we have a team working a cryptocurrency called The Earth Dollar.
We are committed to opening all UE accounts to complete transparency via the website.
Our Vision for the United Earth Digital Platform
As a planetary meeting ground for global unity and collaboration for a whole-systems transformation of human society we foresee the United Earth digital platform as a global “syntropy engine”- a synergistic networking and resource map- to be hosting three main areas of activity: Unity, Collaboration and Education. Currently A United Earth is in close co-creationship with Noomap- “a whole systems holonic innovation which will catalyze the greatest game of co-creation on the planet.” Here are some prospective ideas and tools as well as some that have already been developed within the alliance:
- A global community counter of people and groups wishing to work together. This is also a key for attracting mainstream attention and interest.
- An integrated appropriate social network.
- An overview and calendar of global actions, events and celebrations related to A United Earth, conscious living and cultural transition.
- A global synergistic resource Noomap, which includes a directory of groups, communities, organisations and networks categorised according to their areas of focus (we are hoping to revive the directory for this purpose).
- Individuals and groups that connect globally and locally can instantly and make use of the cutting-edge communication, coordination and collaboration technologies that we are gathering.
- This map also profiles every person who wishes to share any ideas, visions, services and /or goods with the collective.
- Platform matches people and projects to resources through semantic web by making recommendations and performing relevant "matchmaking".
- The platform can essentially “gamify” change by giving everyone an avatar and presenting a gaming interface for change. This is designed especially to draw the youth.
- Education is the primary vehicle for change. Therefore we are creating a solutions portal to a Noomap-wiki directory that converges the global databases cataloguing all information related to transition research and development. From ecological solutions to indigenous knowledge & wisdom to social innovations to alternative political & economic models this globally co-created directory will channel open-source tools, designs, videos, forums, e-workbooks, articles and case studies for the complete range of social, economic and ecological conditions.
- A Noomap to create data visualizations that can be filtered in many different ways. The data visualization would provide a unified and real-time look at the current state of planetary health, the vital signs. The data visualization would contain all planetary boundaries.
Local workshops, seminars, conferences and actions will be announced and coordinated through this platform. Local groups can easily connect to any locally available mentors, trainers, facilitators, mediators etc. A media platform for sharing all global and local news- directly from the source and peer reviewed.
Our Collective Vision for Change
... in the context of...
The ideas below offer basic indicators that are intended to reflect current popularly recognised “best practices” within the social change movement. Naturally these will develop and become more detailed as A United Earth grows. Understanding also that “the devil is in the details” we hold true that no single practice or methodology is appropriate for all people, communities or ecological conditions. Thus we imagine co-creating a “planetary menu” of practical tools, strategies, possibilities and mentors that each community can democratically choose for themselves.
Ecological Protection & Stewardship
We are bringing all effective ecological solutions and innovative restoration strategies to the forefront of public education and awareness. Through the widespread implementation of whole-systems practices such as indigenous knowledge systems, permaculture design, natural farming, agro-forestry, holistic land management, water retention landscapes, zero waste, renewable energy and appropriate technology, we are actively working with Nature to heal our biosphere. From sustainability we move towards a flourishing of all life on out planet, in which our actions support that process, rather than prevent further damages.
Indigenous Peoples
We collectively recognise and declare all Indigenous territories and cultural heritage as World heritage. Indigenous wisdom and knowledge underpins our cultural re-education and our re-connection to Mother Earth. Sacred plant medicine is honoured and used with respect- often guided through indigenous ceremony.
Spiritual Awakening
We are creating a human culture that celebrates spiritual diversity- where time, facilities and guidance for any chosen practice is readily available. We foresee a human society where realising inner and outer peace and harmony is at the heart of our individual and our collective endeavour. A common meeting ground is our reverence for life and the sacredness of Nature.
Social Change
Our first collective priority and responsibility is to ensure that the basic human rights of healthy food, clean water, comfortable shelter and renewable energy are met by everyone. By combining local knowledge systems with new innovations, communication tools and intelligent design & management we are collectively engaging in localised and participatory transition strategies- mostly by using existing infrastructures. Transition Towns, Ecovillages and Traditional villages provide a wealth of tools, practices, experiences and living examples for creating resilient, vibrant and diverse communities. Ultimately we are shaping a culture wherein each person is free to follow their passion and fully express their unique creativity without financial and legal restrictions (provided no harm is committed).
Direct Democracy
Like our economic, legal and social reform, our new political structures prioritise the welfare of The People and the Planet. Consequently, like all aspects of intelligent reform, we are bringing politics back to the local level, using collective and participatory decision-making tools like direct democracy and e-democracy. For large populations councils and representatives are still elected, but their role is understood as facilitators who administer and implement of the will of The People. All votes and financial accounts are transparently available for everyone to see. Each neighbourhood, town, village and community is free to choose their own collective stewardship and decision-making structure.
Sacred Economics
The basis of our economic reform is to transition towards local, circular economies that prioritise social and ecological responsibility. Progressive transition strategies facilitate a collective “weaning” from the old consumer culture to one of responsible use and voluntary simplicity. Now goods that are being produced are necessarily high quality, durable and fully recyclable. Many societies are moving towards moneyless, gift and resource based economies. Within this evolving economic (hybrid) paradigm - sometimes referred to as the sharing economy, the collaborative economy, the peer to peer economy, the gift economy; the digitization of value is also emerging as low cost OS opportunities present themselves and the value relationship with technical and biological nutrients evolves. citizens - referred to as consumers by the linear industrial economic system are emerging as ‘prosumers’ with a direct relationship in the making, producing and sharing of goods and services. This under the motto: ‘I do what I can, and I take what I need.’
Natural Law
As free and equal people we recognise personal sovereignty as the basis for all common laws and agreements. Man-made laws are reduced to a collective understanding and practice of Natural Law- basically Do no harm. We understand that for freedom to not fall into chaos we must each take personal responsibility for the welfare and harmony of all. Transgressions and conflicts are dealt with with the help of experienced peace-builders and non-violent communication facilitators.
Appropriate Technology
By collectively focussing on healing our environment and re-building our communities we realise our capacity to create a culture of abundance that comes from sharing and working together- with each other and with Nature. By creating prosperous local communities international conflicts are become obsolete. Residual conflicts due to fundamentalist beliefs are held and mediated by artists of non-violent communication and restorative, healing circles.
Tools used
We are using several different tools for our distributed collaboration. If you are new and having problems getting started to use Mumble or Slack to communicate with us don't hesitate to contact us and we will help out!
Mumble is a team audio chat service that is optimized for exactly this: audio teleconferencing with several participants. We have a Mumble server running on
Please read the Mumble setup page to get up and running.
Slack is a team chat service with client apps for almost every platform including mobile. We are using Slack with its ability to have many different channels to maintain focused team chats for our different task groups. If you want to join our Slack team you need an invitation which you will get shortly after emailing us.
Coming soon!: Noomap
Google Docs
We are using Google Docs for many specific tasks.
All documents can be find in our G drive. Please add any new document to this list.
We started using Trello to keep track of our tasks. An invitation is need here, too. Please send us an email.